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14 Alternative Ways To Express Consistently

Synonyms for Consistently

14 Alternative Ways to Express "Consistently"

1. **Constantly**

2. **Always**

3. **Continually**

4. **Invariably**

5. **Often**

6. **Usually**

7. **Frequently**

8. **Continuously**

9. **Steadily**

10. **Regularly**

11. **Uniformly**

12. **Predictably**

13. **Time after time**

14. **Without fail**

Related Words


  • Inconsistently
  • Sporadically
  • Occasionally
  • Unpredictably

**Example Sentences:**

  • She consistently exceeds expectations in her work.
  • The team has been playing consistently well this season.
  • The weather has been consistently warm and sunny.
  • He is consistently late for appointments.
  • The data consistently shows a downward trend.


These 14 synonyms for "consistently" provide a range of options for expressing the idea of something happening regularly, reliably, or without variation. By using these alternative terms, writers and speakers can enhance the clarity, precision, and impact of their communication.


