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Giant Eagle Dnd 5e

Giant Eagle 5E: A Guide to the Majestic Noble Creature

What is a Giant Eagle?

In the fantasy world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a giant eagle is a noble creature that soars above the skies. Resembling a mighty bald eagle, these giant birds possess keen intelligence and can communicate in their own language as well as understand Common speech.

Physical Description and Abilities

Giant eagles are true giants of the avian world, with wingspans reaching up to 20 feet and feathers that gleam with an iridescent blue-black hue. Their piercing eyes can spot prey from afar, and their sharp talons and powerful beak make them formidable predators. Despite their size, giant eagles are agile and graceful in flight, capable of navigating treacherous mountain peaks and vast oceans.

In combat, giant eagles utilize their sharp talons and powerful beaks to inflict devastating attacks. They can strike twice per round, once with each weapon, dealing significant damage to their opponents.

Giant Eagle in D&D 5e

In the fifth edition of D&D (5e), giant eagles are classified as large magical beasts. Their stat block provides the following information:

  • Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points: 45 (8d8 + 16)
  • Speed: 80 ft., fly 120 ft.
  • Strength: 18 (+4)
  • Dexterity: 15 (+2)
  • Constitution: 13 (+1)
  • Intelligence: 6 (-2)
  • Wisdom: 12 (+1)
  • Charisma: 10 (+0)
  • Skills: Perception +5
  • Damage Immunities: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical attacks
  • Languages: Giant Eagle, Common

Giant eagles are solitary creatures but may form lifelong bonds with a mate. They typically dwell in mountainous or forested regions, building their nests high in the trees or atop cliffs. Their diet consists primarily of deer, rabbits, and other small animals, which they hunt from the air with their keen eyesight.


The giant eagle is a majestic and noble creature that adds wonder and excitement to any D&D campaign. With its keen intellect, formidable combat abilities, and unique language, this giant bird is a formidable ally and a worthy adversary. Whether encountered as a mount, a pack animal, or a formidable foe, the giant eagle is sure to leave a lasting impression on players and DMs alike.
