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The Potential For Green Hydrogen In Latin America

Unlocking Latin America's Hydrogen Potential: Overcoming Challenges for a Clean Energy Future


Latin America has emerged as a region with immense potential for clean hydrogen production and utilization. As the world transitions towards sustainable energy sources, hydrogen holds great promise for decarbonizing various industries and sectors.

Challenges and Strategies

Despite its potential, Latin America faces several challenges in unlocking its hydrogen economy, including:

  • Limited infrastructure for hydrogen production and distribution
  • High costs associated with hydrogen production
  • Lack of clear regulatory frameworks and policies

To address these challenges, six key strategies have been identified:

  1. Invest in infrastructure: Expand production facilities, pipeline networks, and storage systems.
  2. Harness renewable energy: Utilize solar, wind, and geothermal resources for cost-effective hydrogen production.
  3. Develop local supply chains: Establish domestic industries for hydrogen production and equipment manufacturing.
  4. Foster collaboration: Facilitate partnerships between governments, businesses, and research institutions.
  5. Establish regulatory frameworks: Implement clear guidelines for hydrogen production, storage, and transportation.
  6. Promote innovation: Encourage research and development in hydrogen technologies to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Latin America's Global Context

  • The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that hydrogen could account for up to 15% of global energy consumption by 2050.
  • Latin America has the potential to become a major producer and exporter of hydrogen, contributing to global decarbonization efforts.

Success Stories

Several Latin American countries are demonstrating their ambition in the hydrogen sector:

  • Argentina: Aims to become a net exporter of hydrogen by 2030.
  • Chile: Has the potential to produce hydrogen at competitive costs due to its abundant renewable energy resources.


Latin America has a significant opportunity to contribute to the global clean hydrogen economy. By addressing challenges and implementing strategic measures, the region can unlock its potential and become a key player in the global energy transition.

